Author: Cara

  • Mewogical Rosie & Cara

    Mewogical Rosie & Cara

    Hello! I’m here today with Meowgical Rosie, Scotland’s Jpop idol!

    Hello! Yes, I was inspired by Jpop but I primarily sing in English, So I just say I’m Scotland’s magical pop idol!

    The first song you sang today, the one that starts with “Kitten Starlight Power”, That’s the song you “transform” in, yes? is the concept that you are a person, and you transform into your persona?

    “Everything is Mewogical” yeah! Everyone calls it “kitten starlight power” because that’s how it starts. 
I like to think that it’s everybody transforming together, to hype everyone up for the show! not so much an external transformation, but a transformation of the heart. I would do a big transformation with my outfit, but unfortunately I don’t have the stage crew or logistics to make that work just yet. Maybe when I’m an A-list celebrity, but I think that’s a little while off haha!

    right now I think the confetti cannon you used is a good stand in!

    The confetti cannon was just for my birthday! I don’t usually do that, i usually just wave my wand about, but since it was my birthday, I thought I’d do something a little extra special.

    Speaking of your birthday, I hope you don’t mind, I got you a present. He’s a Smiski…

    Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! He’s a little guy, just like me!

    I hope you enjoy your little guy.

    Thank you so much, I will!

    Your performance today was great, thank you so much for inviting me along! your fans seem to know all the lyrics to all your songs, especially the call and responses (did I get that term right?)

    Yes, so it’s very common for idols to have call and responses. Mine is a bit more like simple than an idol call and response. I think most idols say something and then everyone repeats a different phrase back, but for me, I say a phrase and then they repeat the same phrase back, which I don’t think is quite as common. I like it, and I think everyone else likes it. I like to keep it simple, so it’s something that everyone can enjoy if they want, you know?

    I know you joked about it, but it did seem like you managed to make the rain go away and the sun come out just for your performance. I think there is an element of magic!

    Who said I was joking? It did feel like that didn’t it!

    How did you get in to this style of music? What are your biggest inspirations? 

    So it started when I discovered some videos online. When I was in high school, I was just browsing around the Internet, as you do when you’re a bored teenager. I discovered idol videos, primarily AKB48. So I became a big AKB48 fan and I started learning the dances, learning the songs, and then I started writing English covers of their songs! that’s how I really got started. I started uploading these things to YouTube. I got a reputation for being cringe, but I say, if you get called cringe, be cringier!

    Absolutely! To be cringe is to be free after all.

    Exactly. I am cringe but I am free as the saying goes. I really want to spread the message that you should just do what you love, you know, and you shouldn’t let anything stop you because I know there’s a lot of peer pressure, especially among younger people, to conform. I really want to spread that message that no matter how “weird” or “cringe” or “out there” you might be that you should just do the things you love if it’s not harming anyone. Just live your life the way you want to.

    Totally agree. I have one final question but I feel like you probably covered a lot of it already with your previous answer! do you have one statement you believe is important for your fans to hear?

    Everyone can be meowgical! Everyone has that magic in their hearts. You just have to be brave enough to let it out, and I believe in you all. 
I think that everyone should have the chance to follow their dreams.

    Oh, so that’s lovely! thank you so much for chatting with me Rosie!

    Thank you too. It was so nice to meet you!

  • Rachel Chinouriri & Cara

    Rachel Chinouriri & Cara

    I’ve been excited to have this chat and giggle with you, so without further ado, let’s get into the chat!

    Yeah let’s do this!

    You started this intimate gig with “the hills”, which is my favourite of the lead singles from “what a devastating turn of events”. It explores themes of belonging and identity, as does the whole album, there are loads of deep topics covered. How was writing and releasing that for you? Is it nerve wracking, bearing your soul like that?

    I think writing “the hills” was quite tough because I actually wrote it about how much of a terrible time I was having in LA. The lyrics of it made me think about home because, the uk is my home, but obviously I’ve gone through a lot being black and British. It’s been such a battle. the things I’ve gone through for me to realise I am English, and I do belong here, and you guys are my people, my family. Home is what the heart makes it, so i was kind of anxious to put it out, especially because the artwork came out with it and I knew people would question it. I’m quite happy it’s come out because everyone can scream it together, and hopefully it feels quite unifying.

    Yeah, the England flag tied with a song containing the lyrics “you don’t belong here” is so powerful, I think that was great to do. I’ve only ever seen a positive reaction from it online!

    Know know what, My label were like, what on earth are you doing, are you sure you don’t wanna use the Union Jack? And I was like, no, because, I think when people see that flag, especially black and POC people, you do feel like it’s screaming “you don’t belong here”. There is so much culture that has come from the melting pot of people in London, the variety of ages and communities, they don’t allow the ignorance of some people overshadow the beauty of the things that you can create from the opportunities you have from being here. Living here is the reason I’m able to do this as a job, it doesn’t even feel like one, my dreams have come true from the opportunities this country has given me. It’s just, standing strong on my, “I deserve to be here, and I’m not moving”.

    Somewhere else you definitely belong is Glasgow, we’re all so happy to have you here.

    Fun fact, most of my family live in either London or Glasgow. I’ve spent a lot of time up here.

    Well, you might know a bit about the Scottish music scene in that case. I was wondering if there are any Scottish artists that you really enjoy?

    Joesef is my favourite! If there is an album you need to listen to today it is “permanent damage”. That guy? The music had me in tears, he’s incredible. I’m like his number one fan.

    If you could rerecord any track on the album, but this time you could choose any artist to feature on it, which track, and who would you pick to feature?

    I would rerecord “dumb bitch juice” and I would get mae muller to feature, simply because we came up with the phrase, and we used to go out loads. I haven’t gone out with her in ages because I’ve been busy focusing on my album and she’s been focusing on hers, but we are just pure chaos together and I love the vibes. I could imagine the giggles writing the lyrics for it and thinking of all the chaotic stories.

    That sounds incredible, I think the best things come from just messing around with your friends.

    That’s true, I think some of the best things in life and some of the best memories could be the smallest things that happen with you and your friend.

    You started your music career uploading songs to SoundCloud, and now you’ve been BBC sound of the year. Which of your achievements has been your proudest moment so far?

    My koko show was one of my proudest achievements, it was over a thousand tickets and I’ve always wanted to be able to sell over a thousand tickets. I think one of my proudest achievements will be this Friday with the release of my album. I’m 25, I’ve been doing music since 16, professionally since 17/18. The pandemic happened and a lot of things shifted. I had an album that I got rid of, it’s been such a long journey. To be able to actually get through the label system and still have support after all this time, I’m really grateful to have a physical album, it’s my own.

    Speaking of physical media, are you a record or cd collector at all?

    Oh I do like a vinyl, I do. There is something about physically putting it on a record player and flipping it. Music is more than the sound you hear, it’s the vision, it’s the art. There is so much thought that goes into the colour of the vinyl, what goes on the A side and the B side, all these things. Seeing, dissecting, then playing a piece of art, I love a vinyl.

    As you said, physical presentation is so important when it comes to music. All of the looks in the “never need me” music video are incredible. Not just your looks, everyone in that video looks amazing. Where do you get your style inspo from?

    Well I’ve gotta give my styling to my stylist Shannon. If it wasn’t for Shannon I’d be wearing a black hoodie and jogger bottoms every day. I guess that’s because I’m from Croydon, and that’s what everyone from Croydon wears. I didn’t understand the fun and importance in fashion but working with Shannon, experimenting with clothes and accessories, I’ve learned it’s about the expression. If one day I wanna have glitter all over my eyelids, and people think what is she doing, so be it. I think Shannon has just cracked the code of the look for the darlings for sure.

    Besides from your album, which were all heavily anticipating, of course, what other albums are you anticipating the release of?

    The funny thing is, I’ve been off social media so I’ve been missing all the announcements. Billie Eilish, she’s announced a new one. Charli XCX, Giff, Zayn Malik. There are a lot of albums I’m looking out for!

    That leads us to our final question. i know you’ve already given some wonderful advice tonight about sharing more love in our lives, but if there is one important piece of advice you want everyone to take home, what is it?

    I think one piece of advice is, I know we’re in a digital age, and there is a degree of capturing a moment, but I think that social media can make you almost overly judge yourself and your worth. If it’s ever made you feel like that I want you to remember that there are people around you who love you, and you are so unique. You’re part of this planet for a reason, for a bigger journey, for a bigger message. My advice is just to look at the bigger world around you and be more gentle with yourself as people.

    Thank you very much for having me!

    Thank you Cara!